Jesus' Coming Back

10 People Groups Jesus Didn’t Specifically Command Us To Love

Jesus was all about love in a lot of ways. He told us to love our neighbor, he told us to love our God. He even told us to love our enemies!

Now that’s a lot of love going around.

Thankfully, Jesus didn’t actually mean that you’re supposed to love literally everybody. Using careful contextual clues, we scoured the Scriptures and found 10 types of people that you’re totally exempt from showing the love of Jesus to! Now, when you encounter any people in these groups, you can tell them off, belittle them, or even throw a brick right at their face.

You’re welcome!

Muslims – Muslims weren’t around during the writing of the New Testament, so guess what? That’s right—you don’t have to show the love of Jesus to Muslims! Praise the Lord!

Democrats – We read the Bible cover to cover, and you don’t have to love Democrats. In fact, according to some interpretations of the Sermon on the Mount, you’re allowed to call them “libtards” and scream that they’re going to hell in Facebook comment sections!

Immigrants – Refugees from other countries? Nope, you don’t have to love them or share the gospel with them in any way. Look the other way when you see them.

Your neighbor – We glanced at the gospels for 0.7 seconds and didn’t find anything about loving your neighbor, so you’re exempt from being a light to the people who live near you in your house or apartment. Woot woot!

Barack Obama – Praise God for this one! Not a single mention of Obama anywhere, unless you count the antichrist, and we’re never commanded to love that guy, that’s for darn sure!

Arminians – Not only do you not have to love Arminians, but you’re actually called to condemn them to hell based on their different understanding of the process of salvation.

Chris Tomlin – You don’t have to love popular Christian singer-songwriter Chris Tomlin. That’s a huge relief—it’s what it is, it’s what it is, it’s what it iiii-yuh-iiiiiis!

People who watch The Bachelor WHEW!

The Kardashians – Make all the disparaging comments about America’s most elite family that you want. It’s not like they need the gospel and the love of Christ or anything. You’re in the clear, people!

Anyone who disagrees with you on anything, no matter how insignificant – That’s right. If you can find a single topic over which you disagree with someone, it’s open season for your hatred.

There you have it. Cross these people off your love list—they’re not your responsibility. God will send someone else to show them the love of Jesus, we’re sure of it!

Jesus Christ is King

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