Children’s Ministry Installs Dedicated Trash Can For Throwing Away Your Kids’ Crafts On The Way Out Of Church

STONEHILL, AZ—In an effort to provide a more convenient way to dispose of countless coloring pages of Moses and Noah’s arks made out of paper plates, Kidz Rock Ministries at Stonehill Community Church recently installed a trash can specifically for parents to throw away their kids’ crafts while exiting the building, sources confirmed Monday.
The large trash container was stationed right by the exit, conveniently positioned so parents could toss their kids’ coloring pages and macaroni-based crafts on their way out to their cars.
“We found that many of the Jonah’s whales made out of toilet paper tubes and Daniel lions made out of yarn were getting wedged between seat cracks in parents’ vans or stuck behind a couch for several years,” lead children’s pastor Jenny Barthon told reporters. “This provides a simple, easy way for parents to immediately discard the crafts that our teachers spent hours getting ready. You no longer have to worry about finding your child’s hand print made out of construction paper stuffed into your center console months down the road.”
Congregants quickly took advantage of the idea, throwing away hundreds of their children’s Bible characters made out of felt and tongue depressors this Sunday alone.
At publishing time, the idea was so successful that the church had installed a similar garbage can near the foyer door of the main sanctuary, so that congregants could immediately toss their bulletins and pages upon pages of sermon notes.
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