Jesus' Coming Back

Calvinist Missionary In Remote Jungle Surprised To Learn Calvinists Don’t Evangelize

PAPUA NEW GUINEA—Reformed missionary of 12 years Jon Garth and his family were surprised to learn Friday that Calvinists don’t evangelize, after reading on Twitter over their satellite connection that their theology discourages sharing the gospel and doing missions work.

“Huh, I guess our Calvinistic theology doesn’t allow for delivering the gospel to the remote corners of the world,” Garth told his wife, who was hard at work on the couple’s translation of the New Testament into a local tribal tongue. “Interesting.”

The tweet, posted by an Arminian-leaning apologetics account, informed Garth that bringing his family all the way across the world and living in primitive conditions for the past decade simply wasn’t consistent with his Calvinist faith. “The problem with Calvanism [sic] is that since God chooses who will be saved, Calvanists [sic] don’t even bother preaching the gospel,” it read. “Sad!”

At publishing time, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitfield, William Carey, Adoniram Judson, and a host of others had also expressed their surprise to learn that Calvinism is a toxic theology that kills the church’s passion for missions work.

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