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Gary Chapman Releases ‘The 5 Love Languages For Millennials’

CHICAGO, IL—Author Gary Chapman found huge success with his popular book The 5 Love Languages and its approximately four thousand spin-offs and study guides. Now, Chapman is bringing his principles of connection and communication into the 21st century, with The 5 Love Languages for Millennials, available today from Northfield Publishing.

The author spent years studying 20-30 somethings in order to adapt his famed five “languages” of affection and love for millennials. According to Chapman, it was difficult work, as studying the behavior and psychology of millennials was “like researching an alien species for the first time.”

The publisher provided these brief summaries of the five languages that millennials respond best to along with its press release announcing the book:

  • Words of affirmation for literally anything – Millennials whose love language is words of affirmation for literally anything are best loved when you compliment them on a job well done, or a job partially done, or a job not done at all. The important thing is you whisper sweet words of praise in their ear, even when they’ve totally screwed up.
  • Quality protest time – Some millennials only know that you care when you spend lots of quality time protesting things they disagree with, even if they’ll move on, forget about the issue entirely, and protest something different the following week. Try inviting them to a sit-in, walkout, or violent riot, and they’ll feel loved and cherished.
  • Receiving truckloads of avocado toast – Gifts are an important part of any relationship, and millennial relationships are no exception. Ship them a truckload of organic, locally grown, cage-free avocado toast, and millennials attuned to this love language will be deeply moved.
  • Acts of liking, sharing, and commenting on their selfies – Lots of millennials will know you love them when you perform loving acts of service, like interacting with their social media posts. They spent several hours getting ready for that morning selfie shoot, so when you like it on Instagram and comment with a smooch emoji, it tells them you appreciate all the care that went into that pic (even though they hashtagged it #nofilter and claimed their phone accidentally took the picture when they dropped it).
  • No physical touch whatsoever, please just text me – While previous generations responded positively to physical touch, many millennials’ love language is for you to not ever touch, call, or visit them, but rather text them. When they receive a Snapchat from you instead of an unannounced visit, they’ll know that you took the time to understand their love language. They’ll be absolutely touched—just not, like, actually touched.

According to Chapman, if you identify which of the five love languages the millennial in your life best identifies with, you can have a real, flourishing relationship with him or her.

“You may be trying to reach your millennial by texting or Snapchatting them, but perhaps they’re more of a ‘quality protest time’ kind of individual,” he said in a short video posted on his website. “If you really care about that millennial offspring of yours still living in your basement, or that millennial friend from college always texting to see if you want to meet up for avocado toast every day, take time to learn the rhythms of their love language.”

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