‘GQ’ Releases Pastoral Fashion Issue

NEW YORK, NY—Popular men’s fashion magazine GQ has released its annual Pastor issue, featuring hot styles and the latest trends for men in ministry.
While the magazine typically focuses on secular men’s fashion, the editorial board stated they wanted to reach out to the evangelical world with an issue devoted to the unique wardrobe needs of today’s pastors.
“From flip cell phone holsters to fanny packs, we cover all the latest pastoral styles in this hot new issue,” a GQ rep said. “Should you wear socks with sandals? What kind of Bible cover goes best with a Hawaiian print shirt? Are Birkenstocks still in? We tackle all the most pressing questions so men of the cloth can become men of the dope-looking threads.”
The issue also features a section on Al Mohler’s bow tie collection, the rugged, rough-cut look of Russell Moore, and an opinion piece by David Platt on what to wear to an outreach to cannibals in the deep jungles of Papua New Guinea.
“If you’re wondering what kind of outfit will really pop in the pulpit, we’ve got you covered with GQ Pastor.“
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