Jesus' Coming Back

Christian Freshman Asked To Please Stop Blasting ‘God’s Not Dead’ At Atheist Professors

BOSTON, MA—On his first day of class at MIT, recent high school graduate Henry Kenfield arrived on campus prepared for any faith-challenging confrontations from the school’s notoriously secular staff by carrying a large early nineties boombox with the Newsboys’ song “God’s Not Dead” ready to blare with the push of a button.

“You can’t just walk onto campus as a Christian and not be ready to defend your faith,” Kenfield said.

During his first class, Introductory Biology, the opportunity arose. Biology Professor Dr. Kenton Burns briefly mentioned the topic of evolution and was immediately blasted with the christian rock song at full volume. While the song played, Kenfield raised one hand in the air and pointed at the professor with the other, shaking his finger at him to the pulse of the hit song. “He’s livin’ on the inside, roarin’ like a lion!” he sang at the top of her lungs until the campus police were forced to remove him from the class, still singing. “Roaring! He’s roaring! He’s roaring like a lion!! RAAAWR!”

Kenfield was asked to please stop disrupting the class and to come to the professor directly if he had any issues with the curriculum.

“I knew I’d face persecution the moment I set foot here. This is just the beginning,” Kenfield said in an interview with Christian radio personality and attorney Jay Sekulow. “I’m ready for it. I know that my church family is praying for me and that this is what the Lord wants. There’s a good chance a lot of these kids at MIT have never really digested the lyrics of a Newsboys song. This is my ministry.”

“We’re really proud of him,” said Corrigan Hicks, Henry’s pastor back home in Coyote Creek, Wyoming. “A lot of kids go to university unprepared for what they might face but Henry is ready for anything. He’s the living embodiment of 1 Peter 3:15 in which Paul tells us to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have…”

Kenfield’s story has gone viral, sparking hope and inspiration to other believers that it’s possible to attend a secular university and yet remain unshaken in your faith.

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