Jesus' Coming Back

Local Woman Hopes Husband Listened Closely To Pastor’s Sermon On Self-Righteousness

Local Woman Hopes Husband Listened Closely To Pastor’s Sermon On Self-Righteousness

RICHMOND, VA—Local woman Lisa Whitaker told sources on Sunday she hopes her husband James listened closely to their pastor’s sermon on self-righteousness. The sermon, taken from Matthew 7, centered around Jesus’ famous exhortation to remove the log from one’s own eye before pointing out the speck in someone else’s. As soon as the pastor began preaching, Lisa knew the message was perfectly suited for her husband, sources confirmed.

Lisa stated she believes the pastor specifically wrote the sermon with James in mind, as the pastor glanced in James’ direction several times during the message. “James really needs to examine himself,” she explained. “Isn’t that the point of the passage? Examine yourself before you criticize others? I’ve told him many times to do that, but he won’t.”

“Honestly, if he would just listen to me, things would go well for him. Maybe the pastor can get through to him, but I doubt it,” she sighed.

Lisa was also heard thanking God that she regularly reads her Bible, always listens carefully to sermons, and is not stiff-necked and prideful like her husband.

At publishing time, sources had further confirmed that her husband was really hoping her proud wife had listened carefully to the sermon and taken it to heart.

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