Jesus' Coming Back

Gossip Tops List Of Most Socially Acceptable Sins Yet Again

U.S.—Surprising no one, gossip was voted the most socially acceptable of all the sins in a new report published by LifeWay Research Thursday.

Gossip has topped the list since LifeWay began taking the poll, and this year was no exception.

“Christians are averse to really bad sins like adultery, murder, and cussing, but they seem to be OK with gossip,” a study researcher told reporters. “Believers’ opinions on gossip range from just alright with it to being big fans of gossip, participating in it every day, but in general everyone is great with it.”

73% of Christians surveyed said they were “pretty cool” with gossip, while 27% said that gossip was “an essential part of the life of the church body.”

The study also found that most Christians couldn’t distinguish gossip with praying for the trials someone is going through.

“Followers of Jesus are literally unable to tell the difference between saying, ‘Did you hear about Becky’s marriage?’ and ‘Dear Lord, please help Becky’s marriage,” the researcher continued. 

Other sins on the list included alcoholism, xenophobia, laziness, and gluttony, but gossip “far surpassed them all,” according to the report.

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