Christian Passes Judgment On Other Christians For Being Too Judgmental

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX—In an Instagram story posted earlier this week, local believer James Willerson ripped into his fellow Christians for being “way too judgemental,” pronouncing a harsh judgement upon them for how often they judge other Christians.
The man blasted other believers for blasting other believers, passing judgment on other Christians as he called them to just love each other and not pass judgment on people.
“I see all of you talking bad about people online. You go around and point out all the problems in their Christian walk. Well, I’m gonna help you out and point out the problem in your Christian walk: you’re way too legalistic and judgmental,” he said in a harsh judgment of his fellow Christians. “I think we should have grace on people and not judge them for the way they live the Christian life.”
“Except for you,” he quickly added. “You’re way too proud and arrogant and need to get off your high horse and stop judging people. It’s OK to judge you, of course. But not other people. Got it? Good.”
He concluded by citing Jesus’s famous words in Matthew 7: “Judge not, unless you’re judging people for judging people.”
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