Jesus' Coming Back

Local Man Sets More Realistic Goal Of Reading Bible Until He Gets To Leviticus

AUSTIN, TX—In an attempt to be more realistic and honest with himself with his Bible reading goals this year, local man Mike Pattson resolved to read Genesis and Exodus this year and then “peter out around Leviticus chapter 2.”

The believer usually attempts to read the entire Bible, but only makes it through Genesis and part of Exodus before he gets bored with God’s inspired Word. This year, he says, things are going to be different, as he’s sure to accomplish his much more achievable goal of making it to Leviticus and then tucking away his Bible until next January.

“I will read the Bible until the moment the going gets tough this year, and then I will bow out,” the realist wrote on his Facebook page yesterday. “Usually, that’s around Leviticus. Genesis and Exodus are exciting, for the most part, but Leviticus has details and lots of words and stuff, and that’s not what I’m looking for in a book covering the history of God’s people.”

Pattson is reportedly going to supplement his Old Testament reading with a few passages from the New Testament, such as John 3:16 and Philippians 4:13. “I’ll read those couple of verses, but if you think I’m gonna tackle a whole gospel or epistle, dream on. That takes like, fifteen minutes to an hour.”

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