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Hasbro Introduces Time-Saving Pack Of Hardened, Premixed Ugly Brown Play-Doh

PAWTUCKET, RI—Research has long indicated that moldable substances like Play-Doh and other such modeling materials provide ideal opportunities for children to develop creativity, hand-eye coordination, and imagination. However, there is a downside to this playtime staple. Many parents and caregivers are left to anxiously wonder how long it will take before the colorful clays are mixed together and left to harden on the playroom floor. Sometimes this process takes weeks, while other times it happens within hours of the containers being opened.

With this troublesome span of time in mind, Hasbro has introduced a new line of Play-Doh that takes all the guesswork and waiting out of the equation. The “Hard & Ugly” collection features a six-pack of Play-Doh that has been premixed into the disgusting brown that appears when multiple bright colors are mixed together. The material is also hardened at the factory before packing, so no drying time is needed.

“This is such a time-saver,” said mom of three, Amy Krasinski. “Now I can give my kids their Play-Doh and throw it out at the same time.”

The company has already seen a spike in sales of the new line, and many stores around the country have sold out of the new pre-dried, premixed Play-Doh.

“For years, we’ve been trying to figure out how to take Play-Doh to the next level,” said Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner. “This issue of waiting for it to mix and dry out has been plaguing teachers and parents for a long time, so H & U seemed like an obvious move.”

Kindergarten teacher Karen McKinnon explained, “Every time I give the students the Play-Doh, I wonder if this is going to be the day it turns into the petrified clump of hideousness that I know is coming. Not having to think about that anymore allows me to focus on more important aspects of my curriculum.”

The Hasbro development team is currently working on the “Rug Stuck” Play-Doh collection which upon opening immediately smashes and dries into your carpet.

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