Jesus' Coming Back

Proud Parents Of 28-Year-Old Millennial Post Annual Back-To-Basement Picture

SILVER SPRING, MD—Local parents Bill and Cindy Kaufmann completed an annual tradition Friday when they posted a photo of their 28-year-old son Justin moving back into their basement.

After finishing his summer job as a volunteer counselor at Camp Wishakawa, Justin returned to his parents’ home to move back in and resume his part-time job as a barista. His basement room was prepared by his mother Cindy, who insists on the picture every year when Justin returns.

“He’s getting so big, don’t you love his outfit?” Cindy asked Bill, while Justin posed at the top of the stairs, holding a small chalkboard with the number “28” and his name scrawled on it.

“Some of our friends’ kids write down what they want to be when they grow up,” Bill told sources. “Since Justin still isn’t sure, we just ask him to write his age and a few of his interests.”

“I don’t know where the time went. Just another short decade, and he’ll be gone,” Bill wistfully added.

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