Husband Declares His Love Language Is Marathoning All The ‘Lord Of The Rings’ Movies
Husband Declares His Love Language Is Marathoning All The ‘Lord Of The Rings’ Movies
MORGANTOWN, WV—Local couple Brad and Jenny Parsley have been taking a class at their church on figuring out what their love languages are. Jenny has figured out that her love language is acts of service, while Brad announced that his love language is snuggling up on the couch together and watching the extended editions of all the Lord of the Rings films on Blu-Ray.
“I never feel more loved than when Jenny sits down and goes on a journey with me to Middle Earth for nearly twelve hours in a row,” he told reporters as he got up to put in The Two Towers.
“When my wife nods off to sleep on my shoulder just as Boromir takes a third arrow to the chest, I know in my heart she’s saying, ‘I love you too.'”
In order to make sure their marriage is healthy, Brad insists on partaking in their marital responsibilities of watching the movies at least once a week.
“It’s important to take time out of your busy schedule in order to speak your spouse’s love language,” he said. “I’m really blessed to have a wife who does that for me.”
Jenny Parsley said she enjoys watching the movies with him. “I like Dumbledore,” she told reporters. “And the little house-elves are funny.” In addition to acts of service, her love language is watching HGTV shows and then suggesting that the couple try the “easy, fast” renovations themselves. One time, the couple’s marriage went through a rough patch when she suggested watching The Hobbit trilogy, but they pulled through with prayer and counseling.
Brad’s other, secondary love languages include watching the original Star Wars trilogy, marathoning Star Trek: The Next Generation, and when his wife heals him during a World of Warcraft raid.

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