Jesus' Coming Back

Homeschoolers Relieved Now That Everyone Else Is Just As Socially Awkward As They Are

Homeschoolers Relieved Now That Everyone Else Is Just As Socially Awkward As They Are

U.S.— Across the country homeschoolers are feeling a sense of relief that they are not the only ones who are socially awkward and poor communicators. Due to the prolonged lockdowns and social distancing, most Americans are now facing challenges with speaking to other people. 

“This has really evened out the playing field,” says sheltered homeschooler Harrison Collins. “Now, I can trip all over my own words and it gets completely overlooked!” 

Harrison explains that it gets hard sometimes trying to form a basic sentence and speak to other humans, but now the pressure is off. “Usually, I’m the one bringing up my favorite board game and killing the conversation, but now it’s everyone else.”

“I feel really embarrassed for them.”

“I used to be the only one to who would stop and stare for too long when I saw other people,” Collins says, “but now we both stare for an uncomfortable amount of time so it’s okay.”

Experts believe that when all of this is over many Americans will have to take public speaking all over again. They explain that the population has become indistinguishable from homeschoolers. 

At publishing time, Harrison commented that he thinks he could get used to this new normal. 

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