Jesus' Coming Back

Pastor Forced to Leave Turkey for Preaching Files Case With Human Rights Court

Ankara/Strasbourg (ADF International) David Byle, a pastor living in Turkey, was forced to leave the country he had called home for 19 years, where he had raised his children and had become a close-knit member of the community – simply because he shared his faith.

This week, ADF International filed an application on his behalf with Europe’s top human rights court. 820 million Europeans from 47 different nations are subject to its rulings.

“Whenever we spoke in public, people were excited to listen and learn,” Byle said. “For a long time, we were successfully able to fight the government attempts to stop our ministry, because we were only making use of our right to religious freedom, protected by the Turkish constitution.”

“The government did not want us in Turkey, but plenty of people do. God called us there. He wants the Turkish people to hear about Him and to know that He is doing wonderful things.”

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