Jesus' Coming Back

Impeachment Sequel To Go Straight To DVD

WASHINGTON, D.C.—While Impeachment is a beloved classic that was released in theatres a year ago, the short-awaited sequel Impeachment 2: The Reckoning is going to be released straight to DVD, sources confirmed Tuesday.

Due to budgetary concerns and lack of interest, the movie will skip theatres and go straight to home video. The plot of the new film is said to be a straight rip-off of the first film, but with a lot more crying, posturing, and grandstanding. Many critics have said the new movie is predictable and boring, with some claiming it’s entirely pointless.

“Yeah, I mean, the first Impeachment was OK, but did we really need a second one?” wrote movie reviewer Landon Giles. “It’s just superfluous at this point. Yeah, yeah, orange man bad, we get it. The big bad guy in this one isn’t even the president this time! He’s just some private citizen! And all the same old dialogue is rehashed. It’s just not fresh anymore.”

According to sources, the third Impeachment movie will be directed by Rian Johnson and will feature the impeachment managers being old and bitter on an island while they milk alien cows.

Babylon Bee

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