Jesus' Coming Back

Employees On Zoom Call Watch In Horror As 2 Coworkers Who Began Talking At The Same Time Just Keep Powering Through

Illustration for article titled Employees On Zoom Call Watch In Horror As 2 Coworkers Who Began Talking At The Same Time Just Keep Powering Through

BOSTON, MA—Eyes darting across the chat window as they strained to divide their attention between the speakers, Certech Consulting employees reportedly watched in horror during a Monday morning video meeting as two coworkers who began talking at the same time just kept powering through. “Oh God, it’s been too long for one of them to give up—these lunatics are really going full steam ahead until they’ve said their piece,” said junior analyst Olivia Thompson, her eyes widening in stunned disbelief as her fellow employees played a high-stake game of chicken in front of rest of the video chatroom. “It’s not even clear what Teddy is saying, but he definitely knows someone else is talking. And the crazy thing is neither of them even seem to care. Jesus Christ, what are we supposed to do? How long can this madness go on?” At press time, the rest of the staff was white-knuckling it through the meeting after a third employee loudly chimed in to add his thoughts despite the others showing no signs of slowing down.

The Onion

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