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Police Union Honors Law Enforcement Officers Injured Carrying Out Capitol Attack

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NEW YORK—In an effort to recognize the brave sacrifices they made during the Jan. 6 riot, the New York City Police Benevolent Association reportedly honored Monday those law enforcement officers who were injured carrying out the Capitol attack. “When we reflect on the events of that day, let us not forget the scores of brave officers who didn’t hesitate when it came time to break windows, rush into the Capitol building, and threaten the lives of senators and staff,” said NYC BPA spokesman Shawn Douglas, adding that the union had already raised over $200,000 to help officers recovering from injuries sustained while fighting their way into the Capitol. “These our are nation’s finest, and they did what any officer would do. They used their training to help create a dangerous situation, then acted courageously to ratchet up the heat of the moment, and swiftly roamed the halls of Congress looking for people to attack. We also want to acknowledge those among us who are military veterans, and have continued to step up to perpetrate attacks here on American soil. We are in your debt.” Police union representatives also announced plans to honor those law enforcement officers who were suffering from post-traumatic stress from not making it over to join the riot in time.

The Onion

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