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Newsmax Host Falsely Claims 1 Person Died, 20 People Born At Capitol Riots

Illustration for article titled Newsmax Host Falsely Claims 1 Person Died, 20 People Born At Capitol Riots

WEST PALM BEACH, FL—In a broadcast rife with factual errors and inconsistencies, Newsmax TV host Greg Kelly falsely claimed Wednesday that one person died and 20 people were born at the Capitol riots. “The mainstream media wants to paint what happened at the Capitol building as some kind of bloody insurrection, but what they won’t tell you is that nearly two dozen bouncing boys and girls were born that beautiful day,” said Kelly, who drew fire from journalists and fact-checkers for stating that 20 strong, healthy children were born in the Capitol rotunda and through broken windows following a rally held by former President Donald Trump. “These are truly miracle babies, but you won’t see these cherub faces on CNN. Sure, you’ll see plenty of angry protesters on MSNBC, but you won’t see footage of these precious babes taking their first breaths in Nancy Pelosi’s office. Not even Fox News will show you the photos of these adorable infants all swaddled together in a MAGA flag on the Senate dais.” At press time, Kelly added that what was even more amazing was how the births had come as a complete surprise to the mothers, who had struggled with fertility issues all their lives.

The Onion

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