Respectful Drivers Pull Over To Side Of Road To Let Pizza Delivery Guy Through

LAKEWOOD, OH—Following a custom born out of cooperation and respect, local drivers reportedly pulled over to the side of the road Friday to let a pizza delivery guy through. “Gee, I hope it’s nothing serious like a big, hungry party,” said 48-year-old Rosanna Tuttle, who was just one of the dozens of drivers who quickly moved to the shoulder of the road after catching sight of the speeding pizza-delivery vehicle swerving through traffic in the rearview mirror. “It’s honestly just a reflex. Sure, it slows everyone down, but wouldn’t you want others to pull over for you if that was your pizza in there? I don’t care if I’m late; I just hope that pizza is okay. Let’s pray they get there safe.” At press time, drivers at the scene had stopped their cars again to rubberneck as the delivery guy rushed into an apartment building carrying a large stack of pizzas and mozzarella sticks.
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