Jesus' Coming Back

Man currently paying out of pocket for dentist, therapist and medication grateful to live in country with Universal Healthcare

Kingston, ON – Local man Brandon Struthers, who currently spends thousands of dollars a year on , feels so lucky to live in a country where the government provides for everyone’s healthcare.

“Can you even imagine what it would be like to live somewhere where access to life saving treatment depends on how much money you make,” said Brandon as he dug through his pockets to find enough money to pay for his insulin. “Those poor bastards.”

“Don’t their leaders realize that a society can only function when it’s citizens are healthy,” he added before resuming his debate of whether he could afford to see his therapist this month.

Struthers feels confident that Canada has the best, most expansive healthcare coverage in the world based on his research comparing it to the and exactly no other countries.

“Sure when I broke my ankle last summer I had to pay for the pain , the crutches and the hours of physical therapy. But that five minutes I spent with the doctor? All free .”

Struthers added that, while it would be nice if Canada covered “extras” like going to the , he didn’t feel it necessary since it’s medically impossible for any diseases, infections or cancers to start in your mouth.

In related news Canadians couldn’t understand how American survive not getting any kind of paid , as opposed to the extremely generous 300 bucks a week that many mothers here are expected to live on.


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