Jesus' Coming Back

Biden Comforts Families Of Syrian Airstrike Victims With Eloquent Speech On Living With Heartbreaking Loss

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WASHINGTON—Acting in his unofficial role as “consoler-in-chief,” President Joe Biden took some time Friday to comfort the families of those lost in yesterday’s airstrike with an eloquent speech on the challenges of living with heartbreaking loss. “Take it from me, folks, I know just how difficult it is to have those you love most taken from you suddenly and without warning,” said Biden, his voice dropping with obvious emotion as he spoke about the overwhelming power of grief to shape people’s lives. “The world can seem like a cruel place sometimes when a senseless, tragic act like this happens to a family member, but I want you to know, and I hope you can take some solace in this, you will make it through this. The pain and the sorrow never leave, but, in time, you can learn to live with the anguish, and you can learn to embrace those loved ones you have left all the more.” Biden added that his heart broke anew each time he pictured all those who would die from airstrikes in the next four years.

The Onion

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