Jesus' Coming Back

UK: don’t say bad things about our rich mommy

LONDON – The reacted with outrage to Prince Harry and ’s interview by demanding they, and everyone else, stop saying bad things about their rich .

“Rich mummy is the best mummy. She wears hats and carries a bag and she’s all of our mummy,” said . “So no more talking bad about mummy or I’ll pinch your bottom!”

“Mummy takes care of us. Way better than my actual who never once knighted anyone,” he added.

Harry & Meghan did not say anything personally bad about during their interview, and even went out of their way to praise her. Still that has not stopped many in Great from reacting as if they had called their mom ‘a big dumb fattie.’

“Rich mummy’s husband, aka our daddy, is in the hospital. She shouldn’t have to worry about unimportant things like racism or members of her nearly being driven to suicide. We don’t want to make Mummy upset!” said one Sun Article.

These UK residents expressed hope that their rich mummy would be ok, and maybe even would write them a card for their birthday this year as “we do so love getting cards from mummy.”


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