Jesus' Coming Back

10,000th Victim Comes Forward To Accuse Cuomo Of Inappropriately Killing Her Grandma

10,000th Victim Comes Forward To Accuse Cuomo Of Inappropriately Killing Her Grandma

NEW YORK, NY—Yet another victim has come forward to accuse Governor Cuomo of inappropriately killing her grandma, sources confirmed Wednesday, with this latest allegation bringing the total number of accusers to 10,000. The woman made her allegations public today, saying Cuomo made inappropriate advances consisting of stuffing COVID-19-positive patients into the nursing home where her grandma lived, causing the woman to have unwanted contact with COVID-19 without her consent.

“These are serious allegations, and we are looking into them,” said Governor Cuomo’s spokesperson. “We must believe survivors. We must listen to their stories. We must make sure that predators cannot inappopriately kill their grandmas again.”

The state attorney general says that Cuomo will not be allowed within 1,000 feet of a nursing home while the investigation is ongoing, and that he will not be allowed to be in a room with a grandmother unsupervised.

Babylon Bee

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