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Senator Can’t Believe It’s Already Been A Year Since He Boosted Stock Portfolio With Classified Coronavirus Information

Illustration for article titled Senator Can’t Believe It’s Already Been A Year Since He Boosted Stock Portfolio With Classified Coronavirus Information

WASHINGTON—Reflecting on his experience during the pandemic, Senator Richard Burr told reporters Friday he couldn’t believe that it’s already been a year since he boosted his stock portfolio with classified coronavirus information. “Everything happened so fast—one minute I was sitting in what I thought would be a regular Senate briefing, and the next I was frantically calling my broker with a list of stocks to sell off,” said Burr (R-NC), adding that it felt like just yesterday he was told how serious the Covid pandemic would be and how he rushed to enrich himself with that information before anyone else found out. “It’s crazy to think how much my stock portfolio changed that day, and I can’t believe I’ve spent a whole year feeling relieved I dumped all that hotel stock in time. I remember talking to some other senators, and we were all frantically trying to research the tech companies that were best positioned to increase their value off of all the lifestyle changes we found out were coming.” Burr added he was just thankful that the nation’s medical experts impressed on him just how serious the pandemic would be back in February 2020.

The Onion

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