Jesus' Coming Back

University of Manchester Advises Against Using ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’

(BBC News) — A university has advised staff against using the terms “mother” and “father” to avoid bias and assumption.

The University of Manchester’s guidance on inclusive language encourages the use of gender-neutral terms such as “parent” or “guardian” instead.

Jonathan Gullis, Conservative MP for Stoke-on-Trent North, Kidsgrove and Talke, described the guidance as “wokery gone mad”.

The university has denied scrapping or banning any words.

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The guidance recommends using “gender-neutral” terms:

    • You or they/their/them, not he/she or him/her
    • People/person or individual(s), rather than man/men or woman/women
    • Everyone/colleagues, rather than ladies and gentlemen/guys
    • Parent or guardian, rather than mother or father
    • Partner, rather than husband or wife
    • Sibling, rather than brother or sister
    • Artificial or synthetic, rather than man-made
    • Humankind, not mankind
    • Workforce, not manpower
    • We provide cover or staff, rather than to ‘man’

The Bible states in Genesis 5:2: “Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.”

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