Jesus' Coming Back

Georgia Lawmakers Warn Stricter Gun Regulation Could Cause Mass Shooters To Move To Other States

Illustration for article titled Georgia Lawmakers Warn Stricter Gun Regulation Could Cause Mass Shooters To Move To Other States

ATLANTA—Stressing the importance of providing a welcoming environment unimpeded by bureaucratic red tape, Georgia lawmakers warned Wednesday that stricter gun regulations would only cause mass shooters to move to other states. “Georgia cannot and must not make itself a state that can’t compete with the rest of the country, and, indeed, the globe, in offering a world-class market for shooting fatalities,” said Georgia state senator Butch Miller, describing how proposals such as a five-day waiting period and closing gun show loopholes would simply drive unhinged shooters to relocate their mass-killing operations to more deregulated states like Texas and Arizona. “Let’s be clear: A lack of regulation helped make this state attractive to deranged murderers with something to prove in the first place. Imposing these liberal-backed policies will only compel these killers to search for greener pastures elsewhere—and frankly, I wouldn’t blame them.” Miller went on to argue that if the Democrat-led effort had its way, the shooters might even be forced to bring these mass casualties abroad to Mexico or China.

The Onion

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