Jesus' Coming Back

Utah Passes Law Requiring Mobile Phones to Filter Porn — But Only Would Take Effect if Other States Pass Similar Law

Photo Credit: Pixabay/Pexels

(Salt Lake City Tribune) — A bill that would require new cellphones and tablets sold in Utah to come with activated pornography filters won final approval in the state Legislature, although some lawmakers argued the proposal is unworkable and could raise constitutionality concerns.

Even proponents of the measure, HB72, conceded that the bill is imperfect. But one supporter pointed out that the legislation won’t take effect until five other states pass a similar law, which means Utah will probably have plenty of time to refine the proposal.

“It gives us years, most likely, to iron out all of the problems, if there are problems,” Sen. Todd Weiler, R-Woods Cross, said Thursday to his colleagues. “But it does send a strong message.”

The state Senate passed the bill 19-6, sending it to the governor for consideration after the House previously approved it.

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