Jesus' Coming Back

Delta Airlines Now Requiring Republicans To Ride In The Overhead Bin

U.S.—In another act of protest against Georgia’s new voter ID law, Delta Airlines has announced that all Republican voters and Trump supporters must now ride in the overhead compartment of the aircraft. 

“People who believe everyone should show their IDs to vote have no place in our society,” said Delta CEO Ed Bastian. “To make a clear statement, we are announcing new 4th-class seating for Republican customers, who are welcome to fly with us as long as they sit in the overhead compartment, cargo hold, or back row of the plane.”

“This requirement will stay in place as long as Republicans support that horrifically racist bill that I haven’t got around to reading yet,” he said.

Republicans in Congress are outraged by Delta’s decision and have promised to drag the CEO before a committee in D.C. to get some killer clips of them wagging their fingers at him angrily.

“This is unconscionable that Delta would treat half this country like 4th-class citizens, instead of just 2nd-class citizens the way they treat everyone else who flies with them,” said one Republican Senator. “I will have some strong words for Delta’s lobbyist at our $5,000 steak dinner tonight!” 

Babylon Bee

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