Jesus' Coming Back

šŸ”’ ā€˜Over Askingā€™ portion of Sold Over Asking yard sign real fucking unnecessary

TORONTO ā€“ As housing prices continue to skyrocket, many are pointing out that Realtorsā€™ habit of putting the ā€˜Over Askingā€™ next to their Sold sign is probably not needed at this point.

ā€œEvery single house sells for at least 10-15% more than was asked for, and about 85% more than theyā€™re worth,ā€ said local woman Avneet Kaur. ā€œItā€™s like if I, an office worker, bragged every time I sent an email correctly. Itā€™s not that hard.ā€

ā€œCan you imagine how bad a agent youā€™d have to be to sell a house for under asking right now?ā€

For their part, the Organization of Real Estate Agents acknowledged the practice was a bit redundant but said there wasnā€™t anything they could do, as none of their manufacturers even make ā€˜soldā€™ signs without including the ā€˜over askingā€™ part anymore.

ā€œPlus itā€™s nice to get a pat on the back every once in a while,ā€ said local agent Renee Talbot. ā€œIt really makes the hard work worth it. And by hard work I mean making hundreds of thousands of dollars in commission just for listing a property on MLS and immediately getting dozens of offers.ā€

In related news the signs around Toronto construction sites that tell people what they are building have also been deemed wasteful, on account of the fact that itā€™s always a fucking condo.


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