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Woman Hoping For Quiet Mother’s Day Doesn’t Want Any Kids This Year

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AUSTIN, TX—In an attempt to keep the occasion low-key, local woman Amanda Suleman told reporters Friday that she was hoping for a quiet Mother’s Day and did not want any kids this year. “I realize it’s tradition to have children for Mother’s Day, but I really don’t need or want any,” said Suleman, adding that while dinner at a restaurant with lots of children might be fun for some people, she would rather be able to spend the day relaxing at home. “I find these celebrations are more enjoyable when everyone isn’t stressing out about getting a really nice or thoughtful child. And I honestly don’t need anyone to go and give me a bunch of kids—or even one kid, for that matter. Besides, isn’t Mother’s Day just a holiday they made up so people would spend a bunch of money by getting kids?” Suleman went on to remark that the children she had last year just ended up sitting in the back of her closet gathering dust anyways.

The Onion

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