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White House Press Flight Delayed After Biden Gets Into Plane’s Engine

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WASHINGTON—Calling the incident a minor hiccup and saying the European trip would continue as planned, the White House was reportedly forced to delay a press flight Wednesday after President Joe Biden got into the plane’s engine. “As soon as we remove the president from the turbine, we should be able to proceed as scheduled,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters, adding that an auxiliary power unit had been rendered inoperable after the commander-in-chief crawled into a turbine looking for a snack he dropped. “Unfortunately, the president got pretty well wedged in there, so rescue crews have spent a few hours already trying to get him out. He got pretty startled, naturally, and crawled further in. Fortunately we’ve coaxed him closer to leaving the engine, and once we repair the wires he chewed, the diplomatic trip should hopefully continue without incident.” At press time, the flight had been delayed again on the runway after the president had somehow gotten back into the engine.

The Onion

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