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Environmentalism Win: For Every PS5 Sold, Sony Will Plant A PS4 In The Amazon Rainforest

Illustration for article titled Environmentalism Win: For Every PS5 Sold, Sony Will Plant A PS4 In The Amazon Rainforest

There’s nothing better than watching corporations use their powers for good, so we’re happy to report that Sony is putting their money where their mouth is when it comes to environmentalism with a new announcement: For every PS5 they sell, they will plant a PS4 in the Amazon Rainforest.


Wow, talk about a commitment to the planet!

Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida told OGN that over 7 million units of the outdated gaming system had already been seeded in old growth South American forests that were decimated by deforestation, and they have no plans to stop. In fact, it sounds like many of the 2013-era consoles—once famous for titles like Horizon Zero Dawn and The Last Of Us 2—have already become a vital part of the Amazon ecosystem, and it’s all because of early-adopters of the next-gen experience.

According to Yoshida, these consoles will provide shade for plants to grow, protection for prey animals, and habitats for all manner of Brazilian flora and fauna. That’s right! The next time you’re gaming on your PS5, just think about the spider monkeys swinging from controller wire to controller wire thanks to your purchase.

We’d love to see more companies follow suit in taking innovative steps to protect the environment. So if you’re thinking about purchasing a PS5, now there’s another reason apart from top-tier graphics and playability: With a little help from Sony, you’re contributing to making the world a better place.

The Onion

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