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Surefire Ways To Get Rid Of A Hangover

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Eat A Big Amount Of Medicine

Eat A Big Amount Of Medicine

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Banish that hangover by eating a large, well-balanced pile of medicine.


Just Massive Amounts Of Vomiting

Just Massive Amounts Of Vomiting

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This should do the trick.


Being 17 Years Old

Being 17 Years Old

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When it comes to curing a hangover, there’s nothing that washes dozens of beers off of you quite like being a teenager.


Bacon, Egg, And Cheddar Cheese On A Biscuit

Bacon, Egg, And Cheddar Cheese On A Biscuit

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Tastes good in mouth.


Here, Take A Hit Of This

Here, Take A Hit Of This

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Go ahead, don’t be shy. What is it? You know, that sweet cheebie weebie. That tasty baby Jane. “The Good Earth” by Pearl S. Buck, right? That side of spinach salad with Green Goddess dressing, if you catch our drift. (Gatorade.)


Look In The Mirror

Look In The Mirror

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Christ, how did you let it get this bad.


Take A Miracle Supplement

Take A Miracle Supplement

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There are lots of so-called miracle cures out there, and they all work. Just take the first one you see.


Drink Plenty Of Fluids

Drink Plenty Of Fluids

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Water, milk, Drano, fruit juice, anti-freeze, motor oil, and bleach all get the job done.


Eat A Sponge

Eat A Sponge

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Nothing soaks up the alcohol in your system quite like god’s most absorbent creation.


Develop An Interesting Enough Personality That You Don’t Need Alcohol To Connect With Other People

Develop An Interesting Enough Personality That You Don’t Need Alcohol To Connect With Other People

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Easier said than done.


Amputate Toes Storing The Alcohol

Amputate Toes Storing The Alcohol

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Due to its density, alcohol naturally sinks into your lowest extremities, so cut them off first thing in the morning.


Closing Your Eyes And Lying Down In A Dark Room For 8 To 10 Hours

Closing Your Eyes And Lying Down In A Dark Room For 8 To 10 Hours

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This might sound crazy, but lots of drinkers swear this really works!


Onion RecoverPlus Boost Drink

Onion RecoverPlus Boost Drink

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Rebalance your liver ions and induce hydro-mosis FAST, with Onion RecoverPlus Boost Drink, available in The Onion store with free shipping over $95 NOW!


Stop Whining And Put On Your Church Clothes

Stop Whining And Put On Your Church Clothes

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We don’t know what time it is in Audrey world, but in the real world it’s 9:33 a.m., and we’re leaving for mass in 15 minutes. And wipe that makeup off your face.


Canned Fish

Canned Fish

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The vitamins and oils within canned tuna or other fish is ideal for replenishing your body, so good luck trying to choke that down.


Getting Pulled Over By The Cops

Getting Pulled Over By The Cops

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Oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh shit. Quick, pop in a breath mint or something.


Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated

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Water is key to preventing hangovers, so make sure to drink from any stagnant puddles you stumble across on the way home.


Apologize Directly To Your Cult Leader

Apologize Directly To Your Cult Leader

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You were told alcohol contains adulterants that interfere with the transmissions our souls send out to the mothership. And there will be punishment for forgetting.


Swat Down The Cartoon Beer Bottles Swirling Around Your Head

Swat Down The Cartoon Beer Bottles Swirling Around Your Head

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These bottles are not only a dead giveaway that you’ve been drinking, but they also contribute to the dizziness you may be feeling.


Losing Your Wife And Kids

Losing Your Wife And Kids

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A recent study from Harvard Medical School noted that nothing cures a hangover faster than watching your wife pile your kids into your car, throw your wedding ring at you, and skid out of the driveway on her way to her parents’ house.


The Onion

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