Jesus' Coming Back

Professional Poker Player Banned For Deceiving Opponents By Knowingly Betting On Weak Hand

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LAS VEGAS—Finding himself escorted from the premises as soon as his transgression came to light, professional poker player Curt Manginis was banned from The Venetian Casino’s Texas hold em tournament Tuesday for deceiving his opponents by knowingly betting on a weak hand. “Curt just kept raising and raising so we assumed he had a full house or something, but then when he flipped his cards over it was nothing but a pair of threes, and we were all just outraged,” said fellow tournament-goer Pete Walton, expressing his fury that trickery of this nature had been allowed at a professional event. “The rest of us folded in good faith, so to see that it was all nothing but a con is pretty unbelievable. We came here to play cards honorably at a high level, and it’s a shame to have it marred by such a blatant attempt at chicanery.” At press time, an additional player had been banned for attempting to bamboozle and confuse opponents by spinning a poker chip on the table.

The Onion

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