Jesus' Coming Back

Study: ‘Truly Being Seen’ Still Ranks Among Worst Possible Experiences In Human Existence

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STANFORD, CA—In the results of a new study published in the Journal Of Woe, researchers from Stanford University revealed Tuesday that “truly being seen” still ranks among the worst possible experiences in human existence. “We’ve found conclusive evidence that realizing somebody has managed to look past your protective façade and recognize you for who you are continues to be the most punishing and humiliating experience the human psyche is capable of withstanding,” said lead researcher David Nguyen, who noted that the phenomenon once again outranked the sensation of drowning, being on fire, and amputation of the limbs without anesthetic, and narrowly edged out feeling as if no one sees you at all. “Breaking your neck, getting mauled by a grizzly, losing your entire family in an accident you caused—our research shows they all pale in comparison to the agony of your personal desires, motivations being perceived. Interestingly enough, we found that the only worse possible human experience is seeing yourself for the miserable, weak little creature you truly are.” At press time, Nguyen concluded that this is exactly why you should never let anyone get that close to you.

The Onion

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