Jesus' Coming Back

Facebook Introduces New ‘Report Post To The White House’ Button

MENLO PARK, CA—As part of an attempt to slow the spread of misinformation on its platform, Facebook has introduced a new “report post to the White House” button.

The feature allows you to flag posts for the Biden administration to review for misinformation. Handy for opinions you disagree with, comments critical of the government, and any expressions of freedom or other anti-government sentiments, the button will instantly cause any post to be reviewed by the current administration. Biden staffers can then check whether or not the post violates its standards of truth and flag the user for further monitoring by the government.

“We applaud Facebook, our new fourth branch of government, for taking these steps,” said Jen Psaki. “This will go a long way to helping us suppress information we find displeasing.”

Those who get flagged multiple times will be candidates for reeducation in Biden’s Gulags for Spreaders of Misinformation or a reduced “social credit score.”

Babylon Bee

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