Nation Assures Kanye West They Don’t Care Enough About ‘Donda’ For Him To Be Stressing This Much

NEW YORK—Urging the Grammy-winning rapper to take as much time as he needed on the project, the nation assured Kanye West Monday that they don’t care enough about his forthcoming album, Donda, to justify him stressing so much about trying to release it soon. “We’ll give it a spin, but look, don’t wear yourself out,” said nominal Kanye West fan Aaron Martin, who echoed the sentiment of millions of Americans while advising the 44-year-old to prioritize his familial obligations over his music career. “There’s no need for Kanye to spend all that money renting out a stadium for his ninth or tenth record. This is ultimately something we’re gonna throw on to run some errands, so it really isn’t that serious. We don’t want another [The Life Of] Pablo situation where he’s going in and changing things after the album’s already out. Just give us 11 or 12 fully fleshed-out tracks. Or don’t. Nobody’s losing sleep over this thing, one way or the other.” At press time, the nation expressed concern that Kanye’s last-minute solicitation of numerous producers and artists would delay music they actually cared about.
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