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Ford exempts MPP from vaccine citing medical condition that causes her to lie about vaccination status

TORONTO – Ontario Premier is defending one of his MPPs for misrepresenting her vaccination status saying that she now has a medical condition that causes her to lie about her vaccination status.

Durham MPP will remain in the PC caucus after claiming she suffers from vaccine dishonesty disorder, a serious contraindication according to Doug Ford.

“It’s not her fault, this is a serious medical situation that may result in falsifying of documents, checking the wrong box, and/or a lack of accountability,” explained the premier while donning scrubs and a stethoscope. “In my expert opinion, that’s enough to receive an medical exemption from the vaccine and to remain in my caucus.”

While misrepresenting vaccination status to public officials could potentially lead to civil and criminal proceedings, Ford explained that those MPPs with a lying condition will be fully protected under the Ontario Human Rights Code.

“Even if she got vaccinated, she might lie about that, so we’ll never know,” explained Ford.


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