Jesus' Coming Back

Ford sends unvaccinated hospital workers to long term care facilities to free up more beds

TORONTO – Premier has backtracked on his government’s promise to suspend unvaccinated health care workers and will, instead, send them to long term care facilities to free up more beds.

“If we implemented a , our hospital system would be crippled thanks in large part to people who don’t care about the health of others like these health employees we’re choosing not to fire,” said Ford. “Instead, these employees can make themselves useful by making services available to our most vulnerable.”

Ford explained that requiring the unvaccinated to be held to account would lead to surgery cancellations unlike the routine surgery cancellations caused by unvaccinated staff causing outbreaks.

Health minister cited many studies of the positive association between unvaccinated long-term care workers and beds that soon became available shortly after their hire.

“They can finish what we started in early 2020,” sounded Elliott. “We’ve seen success in reducing the long wait times for care and involuntary medical assisted death.”

At press time, the Ontario PC government was attempting to issue a pardon to any serial killers who had previous health care experience since they’re quite desperate.


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