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China Develops AI ‘Prosecutor’ That Can Charge Citizens With Crimes

(South China Morning Post via Yahoo! News) — China has developed an artificial intelligence capable of charging people with more than 97% accuracy, replacing prosecutors “to a certain extent,” according to its researchers.

How it works: The machine, built and tested by the Shanghai Pudong People’s Procuratorate — China’s largest district prosecution office — can file a charge based only on verbal description, according to the South China Morning Post. The program runs on a desktop computer.

Researchers “trained” the machine between 2015 and 2020 using over 17,000 cases. It can now charge a suspect based on 1,000 “traits” gathered from a human-documented description of a case.

At present, the machine can charge eight of the most common crimes in Shanghai. These include fraud, credit card fraud, theft, dangerous driving, intentional injury, obstructing official duties, running a gambling operation and “picking quarrels and provoking trouble.”

The machine works with another program called System 206, which reportedly evaluates evidence, conditions for an arrest, and the degree of danger a suspect poses to the public. It’s unclear how many jurisdictions are currently employing the tool.

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