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Tyler Perry Launches ‘Madea+’ Streaming Service With Access To All 6 Million Madea Movies

ATLANTA, GA — In an effort to better serve his loyal audience, comedian-producer-writer-actor-entertainer-singer-songwriter-supermarket customer-congressional lobbyist-world conqueror Tyler Perry has announced the launching of his own Madea+ streaming service.

Though other streaming platforms have made roughly 578,000 of Perry’s “Madea” films available to viewers, Perry felt that his followers were being underserved by depriving them of the opportunity to watch the nearly 5.5 million additional installments of him dressed as a sassy, elderly woman. “The full saga of Madea cannot truly be understood until you see all 6 million films,” Perry said while powdering his gray, grandma-style wig.

In particular, Perry mentioned the need to have the upcoming Madea and the Temple of Mmm-Hm! and Madea: Attack of the Gout released to the general viewing public. While streaming giants like Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu seemed hesitant to inundate their subscribers with further truckloads of Madea movies, Perry remains insistent that his artistic vision be respected. “If the other streaming services won’t let me continue to unveil my magnum opus, I’ll just release them myself,” Perry stated defiantly.

At press time, Perry maintains that the Madea Cinematic Universe will proceed uninhibited, with no end to the saga in sight. “With men dressing in drag to tell stories becoming more and more popular by the day, there’s no way I can feel at peace bringing Madea’s story to a close any time soon,” said Perry as he scribbled down new Madea movie ideas, such as Madea Waits in Line at the DMV and The Passion of the Madea.

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