Jesus' Coming Back

Americans visit ‘Mayflower Church’ to prevent potential kidnapping

JEJU ISLAND, South Korea (ChinaAid) In the last several months, options dwindled for the Mayflower Church and Pastor Yonggang. The South Korean government refused to grant them asylum due to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) influence. Church members sought resettlement options, and American partners visited the Chinese church to protect them from potential kidnapping.

In 2019, 60 Christians of Shenzhen Holy Reformed fled China for Jeju Island, South Korea. Around two months after their escape, COVID-19 broke out in Wuhan, preventing the pursuit of the Chinese government. They have lived on the island for over two years attempting to achieve asylum status from the South Korean government. Many called the escaping Christians the “Mayflower Church” due to their escape for religious freedom.

ChinaAid and other partnering organizations believe the group is at serious risk of transnational kidnapping or repatriation. This is not a farfetched option, as the CCP has kidnapped many in the past who defied them.

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