Jesus' Coming Back

NDP asks Liberals to stop calling them “Lil’ Buddies” in official announcements

OTTAWA – NDP leader Jagmeet Singh used Question Period to request that the Liberals no longer refer to the NDP as “Lil’ Buddies” in government communiques. For the past few months, Trudeau’s Liberals have been passing legislation with support from the NDP but announcing the Acts as having come from the “Liberals and their Lil’ Buddies”.

“The NDP asks that the Prime Minister and the Liberal Party of Canada no longer refer to us as such. As well as to cease using other terms they have been using like: ‘Sidekicks’, ‘Orange Half-Slices’, and ‘Widdle Bunch of Pals,’” insisted Singh.

Trudeau popped the collar of his leather jacket and slid his oversized aviators down the bridge of his nose before responding with, “Well, Champ, make me.” He then leapt over his parliamentary desk, landed on his BMX, popped a wheelie over the Ceremonial Mace and slid to a halt, showering the NDP section of the Commons with gravel he had previously laid down expressly for this purpose.

Singh complained to the Speaker that this behaviour was totally unacceptable and that the NDP might begin to strongly reconsider beginning to think about possibly not supporting the Liberals. Trudeau responded by giving the NDP Deputy Leader, Alexandre Boulerice, a wedgie.

“The NDP are a fully recognized party in this parliament and demand to be given the respect we deserve,” declared Singh.

“I think we have done just that,” replied Trudeau before returning to his seat, putting both of his feet up on his desk and flicking his unfinished lollipop at a member of the Press Gallery’s head where it stuck.


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