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Study Finds Early Humans Selectively Bred Corn To Be Less Aggressive

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LINCOLN, NE—Noting the low attack rates among modern corn, a study published Friday by researchers at the University of Nebraska found that early humans selectively bred corn to be less aggressive. “Though ingenuity and careful breeding, early Native American farmers artificially selected maize varieties that exhibited less violent behavior, a process that culminated in the docile corn we enjoy today,” said Professor Maggie Royer, explaining that over the centuries agriculturalists were able to isolate specific strains that didn’t attack those who tried to pick them, lacked natural razor-sharp teeth, and didn’t shoot poisonous barbs.“The ancient breeds of corn were so aggressive, in fact, that primitive humans were often devoured while attempting to harvest the cereal grain. Still, the relationship between humans and maize began to warm up when early humans fed meat to corn to gain its trust, eventually turning it into a companion grain.” Royer added that not all of the early humans’ attempts at selective breeding were as successful, noting that their effort to domesticate wolves resulted in the canines becoming a hirsute fruit.

The Onion

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