Mortuary Cosmetologist Opts To Give Client More Natural Decomposing Look

GALLATIN, TN—Citing the adage “less is more,” mortuary cosmetologist Rhonda Greenfield opted Wednesday to give her client at Bradford Funeral Home a more natural decomposing look for his upcoming open-casket viewing. “Corpses can look so overdone with all the foundation and blush, so I’m going to use a lighter touch to accentuate the graying flesh,” said Greenfield, adding that she thinks dead people should embrace their own intrinsic putrescence instead of abiding by the unrealistic standards of a society that insists on skin lesions and decaying flesh being hidden behind makeup. “He already has a beautiful bone structure that’s coming through even more as his skin deteriorates. I think I might even open these pustules a little more to get them to really pop.” At press time, Greenfield was adding a few extra maggots to her client’s nostrils and mouth to complete his everyday festering look.
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