Jesus' Coming Back

Doug Ford moves to protect 1.8 million acres of urban sprawl from encroachment of Greenbelt

PICKERING, ON – Ontario Premier has passed legislation that will help protect precious low-density housing, winding streets, and majestic parking lots from the encroachment of the Green Belt.

“Today, we are putting a stop to the out-of-control growth of forests, swamps, and farmland that block our roads and provide us with disgusting raw air,” said Ford at the site of the new Developers Protected Zone. “With this new initiative, we are hoping to protect what matters most to all Ontarians: two-story homes that all look the same and precious hour-long commutes.”

Ford also deemed contractors, bulldozers, and excavators as species at risk under the provincial Endangered Species Act.

“Dangerous trees that can fall on anyone and reckless deer that collide with innocent drivers will all be a thing of the past,” added the premier who ran over a Blanding’s Turtle on his way to the press conference.

The new area is also expected to be the future site of a flood zone since it’s built on top of a watershed.


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