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Anxious Marjorie Taylor Greene Wondering If She Talked Too Much Last Night

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WASHINGTON—Waking up the morning after she repeatedly shouted at President Biden during his State of the Union address, an anxious Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) reportedly wondered Wednesday if she had talked too much the night before. “Ugh, I feel like I was just blathering on and on last night—I hope it didn’t come across that way,” said Greene, who later texted her friend Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) to ask if she was “being weird” during the speech. “I just meant to call the president a liar. I didn’t mean to get into all that stuff about China, let alone go off on drugs at the border. What was I even talking about? It’s so embarrassing. Maybe I should call Biden and apologize for making the whole night so awkward? God, he must think I’m so fucking stupid.” According to sources, Greene promised herself that the next time she was in the audience for a major political speech, she would limit her outbursts to unhinged invective against the Jews.

The Onion

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