Jesus' Coming Back

Things To Never Say To A Strip Club Performer

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To help you avoid coming off like a desperate or insensitive fucking creep, The Onion provides this handy guide to the things you should never say to a strip club performer.


“Can you turn down the music while I call my wife?”

“Can you turn down the music while I call my wife?”

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If you’re looking for a quiet place to make a call, that’s what the expensive back rooms are for.


“Do you know what time the bouncer is performing tonight?”

“Do you know what time the bouncer is performing tonight?”

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The black polo shirt stays on, buddy.


“I acknowledge your personhood and recognize that you are providing a service that is deserving of my respect.”

“I acknowledge your personhood and recognize that you are providing a service that is deserving of my respect.”

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All of us, from the richest aristocrat to the poorest pauper, are just meat.


“I bet you make a lot of money.”

“I bet you make a lot of money.”

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Not if you keep running your mouth instead of tipping them.


“Oooh, I wonder what’s under there!”

“Oooh, I wonder what’s under there!”

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It’s a naked body. Don’t be dense.


“Can you climb up the wall like Spider-Man?”

“Can you climb up the wall like Spider-Man?”

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While strip club dancers may be able to climb up poles, scaling walls with nothing but their bare feet and hands is a different story.


“Egad! Do mine eyes deceive me, or be it two massive bazonkers!?”

“Egad! Do mine eyes deceive me, or be it two massive bazonkers!?”

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This is not the first place you should’ve shown up to after stepping out of a time machine.


“I’d like you to take me in the back, paint my face, and make me a balloon animal.”

“I’d like you to take me in the back, paint my face, and make me a balloon animal.”

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Not that kind of performer.


“You must be chilly not wearing any clothes. Here, let me give you my jacket.”

“You must be chilly not wearing any clothes. Here, let me give you my jacket.”

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While a nice gesture, they don’t know where your jacket has been and will likely not accept it.


“Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match! Find me a find! Catch me a catch!”

“Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match! Find me a find! Catch me a catch!”

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She’s a stripper, not a matchmaker.


“But aren’t you worried that a union will only come in the way of the relationship you have with your boss? ”

“But aren’t you worried that a union will only come in the way of the relationship you have with your boss? ”

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Nice try, but strippers know better than to fall for union-busting talking points.


“Who’s this—can you guess?”

“Who’s this—can you guess?”

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The dancers see hundreds of Martin Short impressions a day. You’re not special.


“My younger brother has special needs, and my dad died when we were very young, so I’ve always felt like I was responsible for him.”

“My younger brother has special needs, and my dad died when we were very young, so I’ve always felt like I was responsible for him.”

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Well, what are you doing in here, you piece of shit?


“Faster! Spin faster!”

“Faster! Spin faster!”

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Stop, she’s going to get dizzy!


“Now I get to give you a lap dance as payment for your services.”

“Now I get to give you a lap dance as payment for your services.”

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This is punishment, not payment.


“Watch me do a backflip.”

“Watch me do a backflip.”

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There’s a time and a place to show off your backflip, and right in the middle of a striptease is not one of them.


“Don’t you feel like the club’s all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet is a little degrading?”

“Don’t you feel like the club’s all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet is a little degrading?”

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Many women find loading up their plates with unlimited french toast sticks quite empowering.


“Zounds! My difficulties with premature ejaculation have emerged yet again.

“Zounds! My difficulties with premature ejaculation have emerged yet again.

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Better to use an exclamation like “’sblood!” or “gadzooks.”


“Very nice performance! Here’s a $10,000 bill featuring the portrait of Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase.”

“Very nice performance! Here’s a $10,000 bill featuring the portrait of Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase.”

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Everyone knows this bill was discontinued in 1969.


“Garlic is part of the nightshade family.”

“Garlic is part of the nightshade family.”

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Garlic is an allium, not a nightshade. Don’t insult a stripper’s intelligence, especially if you yourself know nothing about botany.


“You’re my wife now.”

“You’re my wife now.”

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Better to take it slow and start by telling her she’s your girlfriend first.


“Let’s swap places for 48 hours, so I can see what it’s like to be a stripper, and you can see what it’s like to be a hedge fund manager.”

“Let’s swap places for 48 hours, so I can see what it’s like to be a stripper, and you can see what it’s like to be a hedge fund manager.”

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Your identical twin estranged herself from you for a reason.


“Skiddly-dood-da-da-da-da, ha-rump-dumply-dee-da-da, shee-bop-a-roo-a-dee-da-dang!”

“Skiddly-dood-da-da-da-da, ha-rump-dumply-dee-da-da, shee-bop-a-roo-a-dee-da-dang!”

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Sorry, this was supposed to go in the “Things To Say To A Strip Club Performer” slideshow. Exotic dancers love scatting!


“I’d like a moment of your time, Destiny—or should I say Alyna Petrikova!?”

“I’d like a moment of your time, Destiny—or should I say Alyna Petrikova!?”

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You’ve blown her cover, and now you must be eliminated.


You’ve Made It This Far…

You’ve Made It This Far…


The Onion

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