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Biggest Lies Norfolk Southern Has Told East Palestine Residents

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Since a train carrying hundreds of thousands of pounds of toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine, OH, railroad executives have repeatedly lied to the town’s residents about the accident’s severity. Here are the biggest lies that Norfolk Southern has told those affected by the disaster.


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Derailment Is Part Of A Train’s Natural Life Cycle

Derailment Is Part Of A Train’s Natural Life Cycle

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After providing educational pamphlets to all the town’s residents, Norfolk Southern explained that a catastrophic crash and explosion is merely the final step in the life of a railroad car.


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Those Fish Deaths Were All Suicides

Those Fish Deaths Were All Suicides

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Though this is obviously false, residents were impressed by Norfolk Southern’s meticulously forged fish suicide notes.


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Vinyl Chloride Not So Deadly Once You Give It A Chance

Vinyl Chloride Not So Deadly Once You Give It A Chance

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While they themselves refused to drink the town’s water, executives repeatedly argued that the toxic chemical was simply an acquired taste.


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Trains Only Derail When The People Of The Town They’re Passing Through Have Impure Thoughts

Trains Only Derail When The People Of The Town They’re Passing Through Have Impure Thoughts

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There’s certainly a strong correlation, but so far there’s no hard evidence to back this up.


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The Cancer Residents Get From The Chemicals Will Be The Good Kind

The Cancer Residents Get From The Chemicals Will Be The Good Kind

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The company should have never claimed that residents would get the good type of cancer that’s treatable and not a huge deal, when they definitely know the cancer residents inevitably get will be the bad kind.


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They Will Reimburse All Medical Expenses Associated With The Accident

They Will Reimburse All Medical Expenses Associated With The Accident

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Look, sorry East Palestine, but if you’re dumb enough to believe this, it’s kind of on you.


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They Are Doing Everything In Their Power To Fix This

They Are Doing Everything In Their Power To Fix This

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Norfolk Southern will spend enough money and manpower to fix this on lobbying to ensure they don’t.


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This Won’t Happen Again

This Won’t Happen Again

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There’s another train with outdated brakes barreling through the Midwest carting a metric ton of toxic chemicals as you read this.


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They’re Sorry

They’re Sorry

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No one was dumb enough to fall for that one.


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Trains Aren’t Real

Trains Aren’t Real

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Denying the crash’s severity is one thing, but implying that railroads are simply a mass hallucination is something else entirely.


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CEO Alan Shaw Was Grateful To Be Able To Speak With Residents Directly

CEO Alan Shaw Was Grateful To Be Able To Speak With Residents Directly

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Shaw would have the entire town wiped off the face of the Earth if he could.


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Souvenirs From The Derailment Will Fetch You Thousands On eBay

Souvenirs From The Derailment Will Fetch You Thousands On eBay

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A crude attempt to get the residents to clean up the wreckage on their own.


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The Train Was Filled With Butterscotch

The Train Was Filled With Butterscotch

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That wreckage was actually safe and delicious to lick.


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East Palestine Has Always Had A Giant Plume Of Black Smoke Filling The Air

East Palestine Has Always Had A Giant Plume Of Black Smoke Filling The Air

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While Norfolk Southern was adamant the cloud had been there for centuries, historical records showed no evidence that residents always suffered from debilitating migraines as well as eye, skin, and lung irritation.


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Everyone In East Palestine Has Superpowers Now

Everyone In East Palestine Has Superpowers Now

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The town’s residents desperately needed to hear some good news.


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There Is Nothing They Can Do

There Is Nothing They Can Do

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Norfolk Southern has already apologized three or four times; what more do you want?


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The Country Will Be Able to Sustain Collective Sympathy For The Disaster Long Enough For The Town To Receive A Significant Amount of Aid And Reconstruction

The Country Will Be Able to Sustain Collective Sympathy For The Disaster Long Enough For The Town To Receive A Significant Amount of Aid And Reconstruction

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